Salient Systems

CompleteView v4.8.0 Download

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*****Important Information***** 

CompleteView version 4.8 implements robust, enhanced, internal security features, including configuration data and password protected backup information. These encryption and security enhancements prevent both recovery of user accounts and passwords as well as transfer of config files (.cvw and .cvwx) between systems. Prior to performing this update, please ensure that administrator usernames and passwords are known. It is suggested that administrators follow best practices and create backups of the Server and Client Configurations. Instructions for those procedures are located on pages 119 and 306 of the Administration Manual.

To take full advantage of the improvements that 4.8 offers, please be sure to purge legacy configuration files that are not encrypted.


Download CompleteView v4.8 Documentation

Release Notes v4.8

CompleteView v4.8 Full Version

  • CompleteView 64 bit version - full install: .EXE
  • CompleteView 32 bit version - full install: .EXE

CompleteView v4.8 Video Client

  • CompleteView 64 bit version - full install: .MSI
  • CompleteView 32 bit version - full install: .MSI

CompleteView v4.8 Software Updates

  • CompleteView 64 bit version - update: .BIN, .EXE
  • CompleteView 32 bit version - update: .BIN, .EXE
  • Diagnostic Tools for CompleteView: .EXE
  • CompleteView SpotLight: .EXE
  • CompleteView Video Proxy: .EXE